OWNER NAME ____________________________________________________________
PET NAME(S) _____________________________________________________________
This is a CONTRACT between SUN-KIVA BOARDING KENNEL (hereinafter called
KENNEL) and the pet owner whose signature appears below (hereinafter
called OWNER)
1. OWNER agrees to pay the rate for boarding in effect on the date pet
is checked into KENNEL and to abide by current rules and regulations as
posted in the office.
2. By signing this CONTRACT and leaving his/her pet with KENNEL, OWNER
certifies to the accuracy of all information provided regarding said pet.
OWNER specifically represents that he/she is the sole owner of the pet,
free and clear of all liens and encumbrances.
3. OWNER agrees to be solely responsible for any and all acts of behavior
of said pet while it is on the premises of KENNEL and or in the care of
KENNEL. OWNER understands the KENNEL shall not be held responsible for
destroyed and/or lost toys, bedding, or other personal items brought by
OWNER and left at KENNEL for their pets use.
4. OWNER specifically represents to KENNEL that the pet has not been exposed
to Rabies or Distemper within a thirty (30) day period prior to boarding.
OWNER agrees to abide by the flea and tic policy established by KENNEL.
5. If pet becomes ill or if the state of the animals health otherwise
requires professional attention, KENNEL, in its sole discretion,
may engage the services of a veterinarian, administer medicine, or give
requisite attention to the animal in the expenses thereof shall be paid
by OWNER. OWNER further agrees to pay all costs and charges for special
services (including supplies and medications) that are used, requested
and/or necessary, and all veterinary costs for the pet during the time
said pet is in the care of KENNEL.
6. OWNER agrees that the pet shall not leave KENNEL until all charges
are paid to KENNEL by OWNER. All charges incurred by pet shall be payable
upon pickup of the pet. All returned checks shall incur a penalty payable
7. KENNEL shall have, and is hereby granted, a lien on the pet for any
and all unpaid charges resulting from boarding pet at KENNEL. OWNER herby
agrees that in the event the boarding charges are not paid when due in
accordance with the CONTRACT, KENNEL may exercise its lien rights upon
ten (19) days written notice given by KENNEL to OWNER by certified mail
to the address shown in this CONTRACT. KENNEL may dispose of pet for any
and all unpaid charges, including but not limited to private of public
sale, in the sole discretion of KENNEL, and the OWNER specifically waives
all statutory or legal rights to the contrary. If such disposal shall
not secure a price adequate to pay costs of board and / or other delinquent
charges, plus cost of said disposal, the OWNER shall be liable to KENNEL
for the difference. All moneys realized by KENNEL at such disposal, over
and above the charges due and costs of disposal, shall be paid by KENNEL
8. KENNEL shall exercise reasonable care for the pet delivered by OWNER
to the KENNEL for boarding. It is expressly agreed by OWNER and KENNEL
that SUN-KIVA BOARDING KENNELS liability shall in no event exceed
the lesser of the current chattel value of a pet of the same species or
the sum of $200.00 per animal boarded.
9. OWNER agrees that pet is up to date on shots required by KENNEL and
shall provide proof of shot record from veterinarian upon boarding of
pet. If OWNER does not provide required shot information KENNEL shall
make the attempt to contact name of veterinarian provided by OWNER. If
pet is not up to date on shots required by KENNEL, KENNEL, for the safety
of staff and other pets being boarded at the facility, reserve the right
to take pet to a veterinarian of choice by KENNEL to have the necessary
shots administered. It is agreed attaining the required shots but not
limited to the veterinarian bill, vaccinations and cost of t asset mileage
fee set by KENNEL. OWNER agrees that all moneys owed resulting from event
will be paid before the release of said pet.
10. This CONTRACT contains the entire agreement between the parties. All
terms and conditions of this CONTRACT shall be binding on the heirs, administrators,
personal representatives and assigns of OWNER and KENNEL.
11. Sun-Kiva (KENNEL) may in its discretion require a deposit upon boarding
of any animal to secure payment for boarding or other fees.
______________________________________________ OWNER. DATE _______________________
KENNEL REPRESENTATIVE DATE:__________________, DATE ____________________________
HOME PHONE NUMBER:________________________ WORK PHONE__________________________
CELL PHONE ________________________________ PAGER ___________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS _____________________________ WEB SITE ________________________________
ADDRESS (Street - no PO Box #)____________________________________________________________
(City) _____________________________ (State) ___________ (Zip)__________
EMERGENCY CONTACT - NAME ____________________________ PHONE ______________________
VETERINARIAN __________________________________________ PHONE _______________________
Pet name ______________________, Breed __________________, Color_______,
Weight _______
Date of birth __________________________, Size________________
How did you first learn of our facility? (Please circle one) - Word of
Mouth / Vet Referral / Yellow Pages / The Source Book / Sun-Kiva Website
/ Billboard / Other _____________________________________________
If someone referred you, may be have their name so we can thank them?
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DRIVERS LICENSE # _________________________________ SEX ___ DATE
OF BIRTH _________
NOTE: If you write a check and, for whatever reason, your bank returns
that check, then you will be charged a penalty in the amount posted in
the office.